First workshop


After the first webinar, in which the project structure was presented, as well as the modeling dynamics, the most critical scenarios in the energy transition process, and a little of the participatory design methodology, on 03/12/2022 the first Workshop took place, which served to promote discussions and suggestions of ways through the energy transition in Portugal.

The event was attended by several stakeholders, most of whom were also in the first webinar, and lasted 3 hours where participants carried out two activities, namely:

In the World Café activity, the stakeholders were divided into four round tables where they discussed advantages and disadvantages as well as potentialities and risks of energy transition scenarios, namely: centralized vs decentralized system; participation and transparency of the process; flexibility and storage, using lithium and green hydrogen; the energy transition related to mobility. Participants discussed and pointed out characteristics of each topic in a 10-minute round, under the mediation of an expert, and then moved to another room to discuss the next topic.

After four rounds, a general summary of the discussions relating to each panel discussion was presented.

This activity contributed to identify the most important and limiting factors that must be considered in the energy transition process from the perspective of different stakeholders.

The moderators of the round tables were:

  1. Miguel Brito – Theme: Transport and mobility
  2. Guilherme Luz – Theme: Centralized and Decentralized System
  3. David Miguel and Aías Lima – Theme: Flexibility and Storage
  4. Inês Campos - Theme: Participation and Transparency

In the second activity, moderated by Débora de Sousa, the stakeholders had the opportunity to idealize and create suggestions for the app access interface that will be developed throughout the project. The main objective of this activity was to identify which inputs and outputs are most important for decision making regarding the energy transition. Once again, the stakeholders worked in groups. Regarding the app’s outputs and easy understanding, the way to present data and indicators were also discussed.